Conditional Stability and Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of Weakly Delayed Linear Discrete Systems in R^2

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článek v časopise v databázi Web of Science

Two-dimensional linear discrete systems
x(k+1)=Ax(k)+\sum\limits_{l=1}^{n}B_{l}x_{l}(k-m_{l}),\,\,\,k\ge 0
$$are analyzed,
where $m_{1}, m_{2},\dots, m_{n}$ are constant integer delays, $0 $A$, $B_{1},\dots, B_{n}$
are constant $2\times 2$
matrices, $A=(a_{ij})$, $B_{l}=(b^l_{ij})$,
$i,j=1,2$, $l=1,2,\dots,n$ and $x: \{-m_n,-m_n+1,\dots\}\to \mathbb{R}^2$.
Under the assumption that the system is weakly delayed, the
asymptotic behavior of its solutions is studied
and asymptotic formulas are derived.

Klíčová slova
asymptotic behavior
discrete system
weakly delayed system